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A little planning can go a long way. Whether you plan on exploring the UK or venturing to sunnier climates, we are here for you. Here are a few hints and tips to prepare you for your exciting summer trip.
Vertu Motors

Prepare for Your Summer Escape

Prepare for Your Summer Escape

A little planning can go a long way. Whether you plan on exploring the UK or venturing to sunnier climates, we are here for you. Here are a few hints and tips to prepare you for your exciting summer trip.

Plan your trip

Planning your trip will ensure your road trip turns out as you hoped. It also means you are planning your road trip safely and smartly.

- Plan your route wisely. Plan around traffic and download offline maps on your device before you go, just in case of bad signal areas.

- Work out how to share the driving if you are travelling with companions. Sharing the load between you will make it easier and more enjoyable for you all.

- Check the weather forecast before you set off. Pack any extra gear you might have left out – wellies for rain, sunhats for clear skies and set off feeling fully prepared.

- Plan for places to overnight stay on route. Ensure you allow yourself plenty of time for driving to them, as well as things to enjoy while you are there.

Pack smart

On a road trip, you will be in your car for a good chunk of the trip. So, keeping your interior as spacious as possible is advised. Overpacking leads to a cluttered cabin space.

- Is everything you are packing necessary? Space in your car will be at a premium. Make sure everything you pack is essential for your trip.

- Check the weather before you leave. Let this be your guide for which clothes are best to pack.

Dress comfortably for the drive

Self-explanatory but also easy to forget. Put away the pinchy shoes. Choose an outfit that is light, breathable and comfortable.

Keep the interior clean and tidy

As you have tried to pack the car carefully, keep the interior tidy to save that space too. When you stop, be sure to take your rubbish with you and dispose of it. When you get back in your car, the space is refreshed for the next leg of your journey.

Set a budget

Admittedly always easier said than done. But you will thank yourself when you get back off your trip and check your bank balance. Budgeting is good practice in any situation and road trips are no different. Factor in fuel costs, accommodation, meals and any attractions.

Pre-road-trip checklist

Having a pre-road-trip checklist can be the perfect companion to ensuring you leave nothing essential behind.

Everyone’s checklist will include different items, specific to your trip and your companions. We have included here what we feel are the basics. Feel free to add your own to our outline.

- Travel documents. This includes passport and insurance if you are venturing abroad. Also include documents for the car and driver's licenses for all drivers.

- Cash. While most places take card and contactless nowadays, it is always good practice to have a little cash on your in case of emergency.

- Emergency numbers. Make notes of your breakdown service phone number along with your membership number.

- Physical road map. And download offline maps of the area where you will be driving in case of bad signal areas.

- Jump starter leads and a jump starter kit. You could always include a tyre pump too.

- Multi outlet USB charger.

- Blanket and travel pillow.

- Sunglasses.

- Hand sanitiser.

- Tissues and wipes.

- Snacks. Crisps, sweets, trail mix and fruits are always smart to take on a road trip. Include a compact cool bag to keep drinks and chilled snacks cold if possible.

- First aid kit. Personal medications, painkillers, insect repellent antiseptics, plasters, bandages, burn kit... and of course sunscreen and aftersun should be included.

Plan in the fun

- Playlist. Choosing songs for a summer road trip can be tricky if everyone’s tastes are different. Why not make a new playlist and ask everyone to add a few songs of their own for the perfect collaborative playlist.

- Podcasts and audiobooks. For when the road trip wants to take a calmer turn, have some favourite audiobooks and podcasts ready to go.

- Road games. From Eye Spy to 21 Questions, preparing some on-the-road entertainment is a fun way to engage with each other and the scenery around you.

- Break stops. These are essential. Recharge yourself and stretch yourself out of the car seat shape. Simply giving your eyes a break from the constant concentration of driving helps you enjoy the drive.

- Taking a road trip with kids? Have them pack a small rucksack filled with a few toys they want to play with too.

Accept that things happen. And that is okay!

Road trips can be unpredictable. If a plan is not rigidly stuck to, think of a solution and a plan B together to carry on enjoying your holiday.

Your Summer Check at Vertu Motors

With our checklist, you are ready for summer.

Now, let us make sure your car is. With your Vertu Motors Summer Check. From tyres and brakes to fluids and steering. We will check every essential component of your car is in full working condition. So that you can enjoy your road trip in complete peace of mind.

Book a Summer Check

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